Wow! What a week. I hardly know where to start. Maybe with the fact that Aaron asked me to marry him! I could hardly believe it and the idea is still sinking in. I couldn’t be more excited to be his wifey and the one to make him happy for the rest of our lives. In the weeks coming I’ll have to share a lot more with you all.
Today’s outfit was shot on our first day in New York as we headed to walk around Central Park. Monochromatic is my go-to this fall. I spiced it up with this beautiful blue beaded, Lapis necklace from Elizabeth Irvine. You saw how excited I got about getting in her pieces on my snapchat. I love that you can layer this necklace with others, wear it as a choker or as I have it here. I chose this way since I wore a turtleneck sweater. I was drawn to Elizabeth Irvine’s jewelry from none other than social media. Each piece has a special meditation meaning to it. I am a christian but that doesn’t mean one can’t still love the meaning behind something. These pieces are considered reminders. This necklace is Lapis and can be considered balance and inspiration. The color is soothing to me, not to mentioned looks incredible against this grey sweater (which is only $80 on ShopBop). I also have a stacked set of bracelets from her as well, that I’ll be sharing with you this week too. You will love them. They are special to me because I had them on under my white sweater when Aaron proposed. Maybe those meanings are rooted deeper.
I do believe one receives what one puts out there. When I was living in LA I knew it wasn’t the place for me. I immediately packed up my things and moved back to Houston. That’s when things with Aaron really blossomed into the romance it is today. I’m living proof to follow your gut! Don’t live inside misery and discord. I took a chapter from my grandma, who passed February of this year, and did as she would do. If she wanted to get up and do something she just did. She’s my inspiration and hero still today. A women that feared God and was strong as an ox.
Sweater, Pants, Shoes, Scarf, Necklace, Hair Shampoo + Conditioner, Hair wand, Handbag, Puff
Ashlee, you are so right and your Grandma was one special lady. We loved her lots just as we do your family.
Ashlee, I’m genuinely so happy for you. I watched you on Sean’s season of the Bachelor and then the drama in Bachelor in Paradise. I wanted you to find “your person.” Best of luck to you and Aaron. I can’t wait to see the wedding pictures. Love ya!