Brandon K. Cole’s 10 Week Nutrition Plan
As I mentioned last Friday, energy balance isn’t about being nit-picky with calorie counting and monitoring exercise down to the last second. There are a lot of factors that play into the energy balance game. One of the most important things you can do is to develop healthy, lasting habits that change the way your brain thinks about food and exercise. Here I’ve given a summary of Weeks 1-4, and habits you can work on to make lasting change.
It’s good to keep a journal or log somewhere to check these things off as necessary until it becomes second-nature. Enjoy, and leave your comments or tweet (@ me if you have any questions.
Weeks 1-2
WHAT: Take a multi-vitamin, and fish oil supplement, and drink 2 Liters or water for ladies, or 3 Liters for guys a day.
(OK so this is really three habits, but these should be easy enough to combine, and it’s possible you’re already doing one or more of these)
WHY: Even if you think you’re eating pretty well right now, you’re probably deficient in multiple nutrients. Research tells us we are all lacking in at least some vitamins or minerals that we should be getting daily. If you’re dieting or restricting calories in anyway, it’s even more likely you’re missing out on these vital nutrients. And even though you think you’re drinking enough water, you’re probably not. So why does this matter? Shortages in fluid and nutrients can screw with your metabolism, appetite, mood, strength, willingness to train, energy, and even your tolerance to cold. All of this can make it an even bigger struggle to get healthy and fit.
BONUS: Here’s the multivitamin and fish oil I take and recommend to my clients. Awesome quality and they have some of the strictest regulations of any supplement company on what ingredients they use in their formulas. This is important considering the game of Russian roulette that’s become the supplement industry.
Multi AM/PM Complex:
Fish Oil:
Weeks 3-4
WHAT: Slow down your eating pace and stop eating when you’re 80% full.
WHY: While everybody is arguing back and forth about what to eat, the most important thing to focus on may be how to eat. Most of us tear through our meals like it’s a race against the clock, or we’re eating on the run and snacking mindlessly. This translates to one thing: overeating. Research shows that people who eat fast typically take in about 30% more calories in a single meal over slow eaters. That adds up! When you slow down and take your sweet time it gives your brain and belly a chance to tell each other, OK, that’s enough for now. I’m not hungry anymore. And the reality? You enjoy the food more, and you actually get more flavor since you’re savoring each bite.
BONUS: Here’s an awesome visual guide that a colleague of mine created that charts your appetite and fullness, and gives you an idea of what 80% full should feel like.
Precision Nutrition\Fullness Visual Guide.pdf
So my challenge to you is to start next Monday by purchasing these vital supplements to assist you in your daily healthy habits. It’s not that hard, really! You will feel better, and you will be proud that you accomplished a step towards healthy living.
Check out more on my personal trainer: Brandon Cole
Today’s fashion: I HAD to show you the different Fitbits that are out there. I have the Nike Fuel Band but I am seriously thinking about getting a Tory Birch fashion one. Which one is your favorite?