I took my very first Soul Cycle class this week at the new Memorial location. I have to admit, I was a bit nervous. For those of you who follow my snapchat already know this. I tried a spin class back when I was living in LA and it was the hardest class, ever! Keep in mind this is coming from someone who works out 5-6 times a week. Since then people have been telling me to check out Soul Cycle because it was a different type of cycle class and actually enjoyable. After my experience with the first cycle class I wasn’t sure I believed that. 4 minutes into the faux cycle class and I was already dreading the decision. How could Soul Cycle be any different?
Well, I am here to tell you it is. It was enjoyable. I was actually able to conquer the class and stay pedaling the entire time. Don’t ask me how, but I was. With the music pumping and the energy high, I was riding into the rest of my week happy.
Now now now! Don’t think this story comes without any flops. First off, I entered the room a few minutes after the class had started so it was pitch dark. I was escorted to my bike, managing not to knock anyone over because I could barely see my own two feet. I thought if I could just get to my bike, then I could hide myself for the rest of the ride. Then there was the set up of the bike….say what? I was measured to fit and told where to put my water bottle. Then came time to put my foot on the pedal. First thing I thought was, “this does’t look to have any straps to hold my foot or like the Huffy bike I had when I was growing up.” Then the gal helping told me to “push” my foot down as hard as I could to lock it in. Well, “holy heck man, I am.” I clearly don’t have enough weight to lock myself in. I must have looked like a crazy first-timer as I jumped in anticipation of the lock snapping into place. Alright, finally I was all set and ready. Off I went. Finishing the class off strong and very pleased with my own ability. Then came time to stretch. I spent that entire time trying to get my foot off the locked harness it was in. Needless to say, there was no stretching done on my part. Little Bela (who you all remember assisted me during Fashion Week) was riding alongside of me and we spent the entire stretching portion of the class laughing at our Dumb and Dumber moment. It wasn’t until the room was nearly empty before we both yelled out for help as we were both still stuck. We were finally rescued and now happy to be free.
Afterwards we were treated to brunch with none other than Daily Juice, now also located in Houston. I’ve been going there for years in Austin. This is a very pleasant welcome into our city.
With all this said, if you take one thing away from my experience today I hope it’s that you go to your first Soul Cycle class early and have someone show you the ropes.
All in all I absolutely loved taking this class and hope to get in there again really soon. If I can look like Kelly Ripa by taking Soul Cycle class then single up!