In case you missed it, there’s a pearl embellishment movement going on…and strong. Pants, dresses, tops, handbags and even shoes. I’ve also fallen victim of this trend and have been loading up my closet. My favorite are the jeans I picked up from the Something Navy collaboration with Treasure & Bond back in October. I can’t stop wearing them. You first saw them when I went to the Poshfest event in Chicago. At the end of the day this is a hot trend everyone should jump on. I pulled a bunch of looks that would be great to wear this holiday to any family gathering or Friendsgiving you may be attending.
You don’t have to break the bank for this trend.
What’s great is that these pieces don’t all have to be expensive. I’ve been able to find several pearl embellishment tops and pants for under $150. That’s my kind of deal. Last week I answered your questions about Shein and shared my love for a pearl sweater which was under $30.
ICYMI: Clearly I’m in love with the pearl embellishment movement because I keep wearing my pearl jeans. As much as I don’t wear the same thing over and over…I do wear the same thing over and over, ha. Every once in a while I find something I can’t get enough of. The pearl look is it for me. Understanding it’s just a trend, so I’m over doing it.