Here is an amazing recipe that not only is healthy, but hardy at the same time. You’re going to love the flavor, and all you need are a few ingredients to make this homemade pesto pasta. As usual, my #1 tip is given before you even start. Get high quality ingredients. You can taste the difference. Add this homemade avocado pesto recipe to your meal plan this week, it’s super easy.
Without further ado, the yummiest homemade avocado pesto recipe:
2 Avocados
1/2 a lemon
1/2 cup pine nuts
1/2 Good extra virgin olive oil
Fresh basil leaves (preferred amount)
Begin boiling your pasta as instructed on the packaging. In a food processor (blender if you don’t have one), mix the avocados, lemon, pine nuts, extra-virgin olive oil and basil together. Blend for about 3 to 4 minutes depending on how blended you like your pesto. Scoop pesto into a large serving bowl and top with the cooked pasta. Mix together and serve.
About The Dish
For this dish, I chose to do a rigatoni pasta since its an easy pasta for my girls to eat. I used a few fresh basil leaves, but this will depend on how strong or how little you like basil. As someone who only can handle basil in moderation, a few leaves is enough for flavor without overpowering the pesto. Another tip is to roll your lemon before you cut it. Rolling it on the counter with your palm helps collect the juice! A kitchen hack I use in every recipe with citrus.
You won’t believe how easy this recipe is. This is a great weekday recipe and will last in the refrigerator for a couple of days. Put this in your kids lunchbox as they can eat it cold and it’s just as good. Enjoy it for dinner with a great bottle of wine!
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Happy 2023 and can’t wait to bring you lots of new fun recipes. I even plan on updating some old recipes and sharing twist and turns that I’ve added to them to date.