If only everyone could have access to my fitness trainer Brandon Cole, we would all be in incredible shape! I met my stretching guru Brandon in (wow) late 2012. He’s been putting up with me this entire time. God bless his soul for that alone. If that doesn’t tell you his level of dedication and patience, then I don’t know what will. I want to take a few moments and tell you a little about Brandon and how he has transformed my body, spirit, heart and mind when it comes to exercise and training.
When I first started working out, I was not into fitness the way I am now. Brandon has taught me how to look at fitness from a healthy standpoint. It’s as much about the spirit of it as it is about the workout. Without the desire, one won’t stay committed and therefore never see long-term results. This is step one.
I’m an average girl when it comes to wanting to be “perfect.” The pressure is on for me, too, especially being in the spotlight. I still struggle from time to time but Brandon tells me all the time, “Everything in moderation.” When he says that to me, it really puts my head on straight. I went vegan for a whole year, and he supported that, but when I was shifting back to adding meat into my diet, he supported that, too. He kept a close eye on me and helped me to switch back. It isn’t just about weight training with Brandon. You get the whole package.
Brandon has a slew of knowledge. One area he really shines in is athletic stretching. This isn’t your fifth-grade stretching. This is down-to-the-core stretching. How about you come in for one session, and then tell me how you feel after. It’s life-changing! I never would have realized how much stretching the proper way would help me, but it has. Having a stretching session at least once a week has had a major impact on my strengthening. Plus, it’s great for those of us that are getting a little older.
A little about Brandon’s fitness background
Brandon has credentials in sports and exercise nutrition, fitness training, sports performance improvement, and rehab/prehab exercise, and he has trained directly under the world’s top stretching experts, Chris and Ann Frederick of the Stretch to Win Institute. Brandon wants to be the best, which requires him to stay up-to-date on the most current fitness information. He is always reading books, new research, and professional journals, as well as looking towards his next educational step.
Brandon has helped hundreds of clients from just about every background you can imagine get fitter and leaner, gain muscle, and improve their quality of life. So I think he has a pretty good feel for what works and what doesn’t for most people.
A few quotes quote from the man himself
“I’ve spent the better part of my life obsessing over and studying as much about the science and practice of helping people live better, healthier lives. So we [AshLee] decided it would be a great combination to bring my expertise in fitness to her blog so that her readers who share our interests can benefit.
I’ll also do my best to help you make sense of the endlessly confusing exercise and nutrition hype constantly making headlines.”
He’s a family guy, too
B (as I often refer to him) has two dogs. Their names are Sam and Dede. He took them in from a shelter and is giving them both a very loving home. Way to go, B! You’re growing up right before my very eyes.
Aaron and I love Brandon so much that we had him as an usher in our wedding. He and Aaron are like two peas in a pod. I’m okay when they leave me out, I promise. They can go be stinky boys together. Brandon also wasn’t short of being the entertainment (from what I hear) at Aaron’s bachelor party. You’ll have to get one of them to tell you the pole story.
To finish it up…
I wanted you all to get to know him a little better so I asked him 5 questions to do just that.
Q: When did you star training?
A: I started training in 2010
Q: What’s your favorite part about stretching?
A: It’s unpredictable and always changes. I can always learn something new because the human body is so complex. And each client presents a different set of challenges.Stretching isn’t boring to me. Learning forces me to constantly adapt and grow.
Q: What do you do to help keep clients motivated?
A: Motivation isn’t really the goal. Motivation is notoriously unreliable. It comes and goes. That’s just human nature. The key is first getting someone to figure out their deep reason for why they want to make a change. Then help them find a way to work exercise and healthy eating into their real life. Not some fairy tale perfect day that almost never happens. It also helps to make it fun.
Q: What is one exercise you think everyone should be doing?
A: Goblet squats. It’s the safest way to squat, even if you have a lower body injury.
Q: What is the best way to eat when you’re working out?
A: That depends. If fat loss is the main goal, follow the two prime rules: eat slowly and stop when you’re about 80% full. If weight gain is your main goal do the opposite: eat fast and stop when you’re 110% full.
Bonus Question (and I pray you get this right): Who is your favorite girl to train?
To learn more about Brandon and his training go to his Assisted Stretching page- www.athleticstretching.com