(I took a screen shot of this, it’s so funny. Carly is checking out the goods here)
Happy Tuesday. I hope you all enjoyed your weekend, and for those of you that were off for President’s Day, hopefully you caught up on some needed rest from the previous workweek.
Let’s dive right in. I had to watch the show this morning since I’m a little late to the game. As for Sunday’s episode, I am super proud of Megan for being honest with her feelings. These situations are not easy, and as you can see from last week’s episode in the case of Ashley I, it’s easy to get swept away in the whirlwind of national television filming. Kudos to her for keeping it real. I honestly don’t think I could have been that strong. I would have stayed and hoped for the best.
Now my real opinions start…early on, it really bothered me that people were whining about Britt. When I say that, I mean it’s about each individual relationship. If it’s not you then you need to show a certain level of class, and support the guy you are “falling” for and what would be best for him. Plus, I don’t like snitches. Let’s cover that later in tomorrow night’s episode.
I like Jade and she is my boyfriend’s favorite, so we are both rooting for her. I’m happy she got the one-on-one date. She seems like a simple gal, which is what Chris needs. I’m definitely the opposite…I love being done up, and I love the city.
Ok, brief PAUSE. The fact that only a few people picked up on this is the best thing. Chris named one of the cows after a producer, Bennett. This is hilarious and awesome. Bennett was the producer who filmed my home town visit. One of my favorites. I always sensed a genuine soul in him. Not sure why he does the show, but whatever. He’s happy and that all that matters.
“It’s more like french.”
I’m cracking up at Chris and Jade walking downtown and Chris says, “It’s all gone downhill from here.” Uuuuuhh, ya think? Whoever Chris marries, I foresee them having lots of babies. Right away. What else is there to do for entertainment?
This episode also made me realize what a strong business sense I have. I’d be all about starting a coffee shop in Arlington! That’s all I’d ask from Chris. Dating a guy who can support a woman’s goals and ambitions is very important. Something that was majorly lacking looking back on my Bachelor experience. Yep, hindsight is 20/20. On the show, I actually talked a lot about my career goals, which was edited out since I guess that’s not how they wanted to portray me. If you know anything about me, you know I love my work. Thank you God for blessing me with someone that honestly believe in my goals.
Poor Britt. When you really like someone on the show, it’s hard to accept the fact that Chris likes someone else. I’m not digging Carly’s condescending jabs here. I don’t think it’s fair to say Britt didn’t see herself in Arlington, but then she had a change of heart. That just seems like a jealousy tactic to me.
Gosh, I am so anti-bullying, and I’m proud to say that. Going on TV and being funny is one thing, but to be explicitly mean is just awful. Just remember, your actions today will eventually come back to you.
“I’m freaked out for you”
Why? This is when I get frustrated with the show. When girls go on there to focus on ruining other peoples’ relationships, instead of focusing on their own. He didn’t ask, and honestly it wasn’t any of Carly’s business to tell him her thoughts. True colors came out there.
I think Kaitlin is as adorable as they come. It seems like she’s taking things at a good, steady pace. Not to mention she is stunning!
And some wise words to Chris…maybe hold off on the rapping gig, yeah?
Shop my closet: